I'm in the beautiful colonial city of Guanajuato, Mexico, and have established a very productive and satisfying routine. After the early meditation and "morning pages", I am getting to work in manageable bits, thanks to a time-management technique called the "pomodoro method", and named for that small kitchen timer in the shape of a tomato. I first heard of this from one of those random articles that Firefox sends your way, after they have listened to your concerns via the microhpone on your computer... finally Big Brother has come through with something to help me out! (Thanks to motivational coach Darius Foroux who wrote the article).
What you do is: set a timer for 25 minutes, then work uninterrupted for those 25 minutes and then take a 5 minute break. After that, repeat the process three more times before you take a longer break. I have adapted it to my temperament, and the breaks get a little longer as the day wears on, but I haven't been this productive for months. And the end is in sight for this remunerative, but spiritually draining job. #firstworldproblems
Here is a little story I shared on facebook this week:
Sitting outside in a resto in Guanajuato when a young man sets up his amp to play Beatles tunes. Not bad, improvised solos, but honestly I was not in the mood. When he got up to pass the hat, I asked him "Could you play one of your own songs please?" He was a little surprised, but favoured us with a fascinating 7 minute prog-rock suite about his views on society. I was glad I asked! #singyourownsong
Once this contract is done, it's time to face up to another task, and find an outlet for my hitherto frustrated and hidden creativity. I am so proud that my children and my wife have found outlets for their creativity; it inspires me to begin to pursue composition in a serious way, and hang the doubts that crowd out and crush the creative impulse lying there dormant.
Here is a link to Vivian's latest blog post:http://www.vivtranquilgarden.com/author/osmviv/
Are there things in your life, dear Reader, that you long to do, but haven't found the time or courage to attempt?
Best wishes on your journey!
Haha, I noticed it this time, and may we always inspire each other! Great post, hon, can’t wait to hear your compositions! Xo